Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Theater Quilts

We have always told each other stories. . . .
Theaters are special venues for live story-telling through performance: song, dance, music, and/or play acting.The audience has a place to gather and watch; performers are provided a stage and technicians. Costume, special lighting, sound, set design, and props abound. Everything helps create a special effect that enhances the story telling. These elements fuel my imagination as I make pieces with a theatrical theme.

Since 1986, I have made nine theater quilts; four of them are in private collections, three are in corporate collections.

Balancing Act 31x40” quilt ©2010 K Sharp
In the spirit of the show must go on, a toe dancer juggles three balls representing Air, Water, Earth. She struggles to maintain grace and discipline in the face of this enormous risk. (Planet Earth Series)

Above: Balancing Act detail

Telling Stories 44x44” quilt ©2003 K Sharp
In this imagined theatrical production, esteemed participants gather from afar in a neutral place to share stories and to conduct the work of State in a civilized manner. (collection Kaiser Permanente Hospital CA)

The Wish 28x32” quilt ©2006 K Sharp
A theater and set design for scene from an imagined musical production

Rehearsal 43x54" quilt ©2000 K Sharp (private collection)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Above: bluelagoon.redbird, collage quilt 48 x 48"" ©KSharp 2010

Will pristine, wild spaces be conserved for future generations to discover anew? (Planet Earth Series)

Detail (right) and quilt back (left) for bluelagoon.redbird

June 11 - August 8 2010
The Arizona Designer Craftsmen, one of the oldest craft guilds in the country, was organized in 1959 to foster contemporary craft statewide. This landmark anniversary event features pieces from 50 local artists who work in traditional craft mediums including ceramics, fiber, basketry, metal, wood, glass, jewelry, papermaking and book arts.

Learn more about Arizona Designer Craftsmen, a resource for the collector, the curator, and for both the emerging craft artist as well as the established, many of whom are at the forefront of their fields.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Safe Passage

Safe Passage, collage quilt 48 x 48" ©K Sharp 2009
Vessels or spirit boats continuously ply their way as they go about the important work - silent and unseen - of safely conveying souls, dreams, and intentions from one realm to another.

ART THAT HEALS at Tohono Chul Park exhibition hall, Tucson AZ March 11-May 16, 2010